ΓÇó Host wouldnΓÇÖt hear their sound bites if they chatted when the win animation was runinng. Fixed.
Changes in 2.1FC6
ΓÇó Fixed a bug where the game would crash when the host was using a puppet you didnΓÇÖt have.
ΓÇó When joining a net game, you cannot change your persona until the host has finished setting up the game and you have received the list of other players. This prevents some problems that show up when the host has a slow connection.
ΓÇó The Tutor menu option would get grayed out after playing a net game.
ΓÇó Only the host can restart a network game.
ΓÇó ΓÇ£EmbarkΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£DisembarkΓÇ¥ are combined into a single menu item that will change depending on whether you are connected to the HMS Freeverse. Saying ΓÇ£EmbarkΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£DisembarkΓÇ¥ will be recognized by the speech recognition.
ΓÇó Players wonΓÇÖt stop playing just because the HMS Freeverse window or the playlist is in front.
Changes in 2.1FC5
ΓÇó Would hang if you unselected ΓÇ£use sound effectsΓÇ¥ then quit the game.
Changes in 2.1FC4
ΓÇó Updates and bug fixes to the new sound code.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in playing ΓÇ£helloΓÇ¥ sounds in the opponents dialog that could potentially cause nasty crashes.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug that crops up if the amount of text in the floating scorepad exceeds 32K. (YouΓÇÖd have to play a ridiculous number of games for this ever to show up).
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the graphics code that could have (1 in a milllion chance) caused a crash.
ΓÇó New FreeMusicLib (1.03). Bugfixes for bugs that never come up in this game.
Changes in 2.1FC3
ΓÇó Players can use their sound bites when chatting during the end-game animations. Their mouths will move but they donΓÇÖt fidget (since this messes up the animation).
ΓÇó All messages in the splash dialog have periods after them.
ΓÇó When you get the ΓÇ£Would you like to customize your network personaΓÇ¥ message the first time you log on, it will bring up the sign-on dialog after you close the settings window.
ΓÇó Always uses the same sound (Jen saying ΓÇ£great!ΓÇ¥) when you register the game.
ΓÇó When players use their sound bites (for emotions or chat), they will smile or frown afterwards as appropriate.
ΓÇó The text in the opponents dialog asking you to register now directs you to the correct menu item.
ΓÇó Speech recognition will turn off while players are talking. (Stops Myles from being annoying and opening dialogs).
ΓÇó Replaced graphics in the splash screen and the registration dialogs. Added a new little thingy that pops up when you register. Replaced the ΓÇ£bye-byeΓÇ¥ sound. Replaced the list of games in the ΓÇ£Other Freeverse GamesΓÇ¥ window. Changed the cancel button in the registration dialog to ΓÇ£Not YetΓÇ¥.
ΓÇó The alert asking if you want to customize things the first time you run wonΓÇÖt pop up when you click the ΓÇ£register by webΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£register by phoneΓÇ¥ options (it will when you close them).
Changes in 2.1FC2
ΓÇó If youΓÇÖre playing an Appletalk game, you can sign on and off of the HMS Freeverse without having to end it.
ΓÇó Moved the Appletalk host and join commands to their own little submenu, to match CribbageΓÇÖs interface.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug with Appletalk games allowing a player to join even if the game is full.
ΓÇó The cursor was disappearing after the Appletalk join game dialog went away.
ΓÇó Background music is paused when the ΓÇ£boss comingΓÇ¥ screen is up.
ΓÇó Fixed problem with your name not displaying the startup screen after you register.
ΓÇó The first time you play, youΓÇÖll get the ΓÇ£Would you like to customize your opponents and the rulesΓÇ¥ message AFTER the registration dialog closes.
ΓÇó The registration dialog always rounded the number of days left down, so it would say ΓÇ£29 days remainingΓÇ¥ immediately after you ran it.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in the opponents dialog in net games where it wouldnΓÇÖt let you add the same puppet twice.
ΓÇó Fixed some problems with crackling and popping sounds in the new sound code. Improved code to let it play more sounds as once.
ΓÇó Telepathy in net games can now show up to 10 previous chat messages, if thereΓÇÖs room.
ΓÇó Bots wonΓÇÖt do their win/lose sounds in a net game.
ΓÇó If you restarted a game while the pass button was showing, it would get drawn incorrectly after that.
Changes in 2.1FC1
ΓÇó You can now play network games over Appletalk! Accessible through two new items in the Network menu.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug where you could join another game through the HMS Freeverse when you were already playing a game, causing lots of unpleasantness.
ΓÇó It was giving positive scores for collecting too many sandbags! Fixed.
ΓÇó When players fidgeted, they would talk even if ΓÇ£use talking voicesΓÇ¥ was off, and never showed talk bubbles. Fixed.
ΓÇó Everyone was showing up as ΓÇ£XXXXΓÇ¥ in the Remove players menu in net games. Another silly little mistake. Fixed.
ΓÇó Telepathy in net games will now also show the playerΓÇÖs last and next-to-last chat messages, if it has room.
ΓÇó Fixed a problem with the game not remembering what room you were in (showed up when the room was changed using the Game menu instead of the Opponents dialog).
ΓÇó Rewrote some sound code that was causing a slowdown for some people. The game feels a LOT snappier if this bug was hitting you. Made the card dealing animation a little slower to compensate for this. This change also should fix the crackling sounds youΓÇÖd sometimes get when the puppets do their ΓÇ£helloΓÇ¥ sounds in the Opponents dialog.
Changes in 2.1b1
ΓÇó Fixed up end-of-trick delays: thereΓÇÖs no delay when you click to clear a trick, and the delay is longer when ΓÇ£click to clear trickΓÇ¥ isnΓÇÖt set.
ΓÇó When players fidget, they wonΓÇÖt begin talking until after they finish fidgeting.
ΓÇó Players shouldnΓÇÖt get stuck in mid-blink now, and they can blink while other players are talking.
ΓÇó Fixed a graphics glitch in solo games where pass cards would stay on screen after passing was done.
ΓÇó When the coffee cup is clicked, the game speed is set to the fastest setting while it is playing for you, then gets set back when it finishes. (This got broken in d3).
ΓÇó When loading opening music, or win/lose music, the game looks first in the Plug Ins folder, then the Soundtrack folder.
ΓÇó The remove player submenu (under the network menu) will now use the same names for computer players as the add player submenu.
ΓÇó After doing end of hand emotions, the player who spoke will smile or frown, and everyone will go back to their normal faces if you wait about 4 seconds (donΓÇÖt know when this got broken).
ΓÇó The ΓÇ£play movie at startupΓÇ¥ option in the preferences dialog will be grayed out if the movie is not present.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in computer players passing in net games that should have been causing serious problems but wasnΓÇÖt....
ΓÇó Fixed a couple bugs where the note pad wouldnΓÇÖt update properly (especially after passing).
ΓÇó Prettied up the ΓÇ£boss comingΓÇ¥ screen.
Changes in 2.1d5
ΓÇó Tested with the new HMSFreeServLib 1.0b16
ΓÇó Beta warnings have been turned on.
ΓÇó Compiled with FreeMusicLib 1.02. This fixes a bug that could make the game crash when closing the playlist dialog.
ΓÇó Made some changes to the networking so that it is more tolerant of receiving messages in the wrong order (which can happen due to bad network lag). This should help to avoid situations where the wrong player appears to bid or play a card, and the game gets out of sync.
ΓÇó Chat emotions use the non-blocking animations now.
ΓÇó The chat tries to filter out annoying people. If it gets the same emoticon twice in a row, in 3 seconds or less, itΓÇÖll ignore it.
ΓÇó If a new chat is received while an old talk bubble from the same player is showing, it will add the new chat onto the end of the old one, if there is room. Otherwise, it will erase the old one and replace it with the new chat.
ΓÇó The return key would sometimes fail to send chat from the chat bar - fixed.
ΓÇó Made some changes that fix a whole boatload of graphics glitches involving the players.
ΓÇó Fixed little graphics glitch where the blue border around the tutorΓÇÖs suggested card would linger for a second the card was erased.
ΓÇó Fixed a graphics glitch where a clipped-off portion of a playerΓÇÖs card was shown if they did a fidgeting emotion before putting their card down.
ΓÇó The prefs file is invisible.
ΓÇó The dialog that pops up for unregistered games now has a counter and cannot be dismissed for 10 seconds. After 30 days of unregistered play, the cancel button changes to quit, and the only way to get rid of it is to enter your registration code.
ΓÇó Chat can be received while the end-game animation is running. However, it will not do player animations for the emoticons (since it would interfere with the end-game animation). In net games, the animation no longer ends as soon as the music stops.
ΓÇó Fixed another bug in solo games where it would get confused after passing and have you bid again.
ΓÇó Fixed yet another bug in net games where it would go into passing when it shouldnΓÇÖt. (unpredictable and hard to reproduce).
ΓÇó Fixed a bug in net games where computer players would get stuck on passing.
ΓÇó You wonΓÇÖt get another player talking when you bid blind nil in a net game now.
ΓÇó If you are in a net game and get disconnected from the server, you can now reconnect without having to abort the game.
Changes in 2.1d4
ΓÇó Networking is no longer hidden.
ΓÇó Tested with the new HMSFreeServLib 1.0b15.
ΓÇó The preferences file is now named ΓÇ£Spades Deluxe 2 PreferencesΓÇ¥. ItΓÇÖs pretty smart about importing
old preferences - if you have an old prefs file with a valid 2.0 registration code, itΓÇÖll recognize the game as registered, and it should NEVER unregister an old 1.6 game like 2.0 could do.
ΓÇó Computer players will still play now if the game is in the background (makes it easier to do other things while playing, especially while hosting a net game).
ΓÇó ΓÇ£Show Last TrickΓÇ¥ doesnΓÇÖt block the computer until you click.
ΓÇó The undo system is working again.
ΓÇó Fixed a bug with undo in Spades 2.0: if any player passed cards after bidding, then undid the bid, they would keep the cards they got passed.
ΓÇó Fixed a graphics glitch that made it possible to see your cards while bidding on blind nil.
ΓÇó Fixed a few (quite a few, actually) things that got broken in 2.1d3:
ΓÇó In solo games, if both your team and the opponentsΓÇÖ team had a player that bid nil, one person would bid an extra time.
ΓÇó The host was trying to play for other human players as if they were bots - this was causing a whole slew of networking problems.
ΓÇó DoesnΓÇÖt get stuck at the end of a hand.
ΓÇó Network messages for blind nil bids were getting mangled (sent with the wrong player ID).
ΓÇó When playing blind nil bids, the backs of the cards are drawn instead of showing them face up.
ΓÇó Net games were skipping the bidding round after blind nil bids.
ΓÇó Net games would sometimes say ΓÇ£player bid -2ΓÇ¥ in the little yellow messages (but no other ill effects).
Changes in 2.1d3
ΓÇó The ΓÇ£Talk bubble sound effectsΓÇ¥ preference is loaded correctly.
ΓÇó Demonstration mode and the coffee cup are working again, and the coffee cup auto-play no longer blocks the event loop.
ΓÇó Game rules can be changed without messing things up (itΓÇÖll wait for animations to finish before changing anything, so nothing gets in a bad state).
ΓÇó Card dealing animations, scoreboard animations, passing animations, and end-game animations are all non-blocking.
Changes in 2.1d2
ΓÇó More double nil scoring fixes - would give random values sometimes (uninitialized variable).
ΓÇó Animations are now non-blocking! Well... only talking and fidgeting animations. Some stuff is broken now because of this... see the known bugs list.
ΓÇó Uses the new HMSFreeverseLib 1.0b14
Changes in 2.1d1
ΓÇó The chat window didnΓÇÖt check to see if new text it was inserted would overflow the 32K limit. Now it deletes some old text to make room.
ΓÇó In a net game, the plugins ΓÇ£JetΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£Jet (s)ΓÇ¥ (and others similar ones) will be recognized as the same puppet, so if the one player has small plugins (using the different filenames), everyone else will see the correct puppet.
ΓÇó If a particular sound for a puppet cannot be found, the game tries to find the bubble-string version of it.
ΓÇó Blind nil bids show up correctly on the score window.
ΓÇó Fixed a very rare scoring bug in net games that popped up when both players on a team bid nil, failed to make it, and ΓÇ£penalize failed double nil bidsΓÇ¥ was set in the rules.